Our free API is now available among our other products

July 6, 2023


3 min.

Previously the Electricity Maps free API was available on a separate domain, but now it is fully integrated and you can access it directly through our API Portal

For years, Electricity Maps’ second domain CO2Signal gave free access to real-time carbon intensity data for non-commercial projects. The free access has been used by organisations and developers  all over the world and more than 40.000 users daily query the API.

While it has worked well until now, we are currently on a mission to make more of our data freely and publicly available to help tackle climate change. By integrating CO2Signal as a part of the Electricity Maps domain, it is easier to find and use, as well as extend the types and amount of data available for free.

On top of offering the latest carbon intensity of a selected location, the new integration makes it possible to get the full breakdown of how the electricity was generated, as well as providing both real-time data and data for the last 24 hours.

The API gives you access to data for more than 50 countries all over the world. With our non-commercial API, you can create new products or services to help decarbonize the electricity grid. It is currently used across many different use cases such as home automation, apps, plugins, bots, etc. 

Build your own project with carbon intensity data.

If you are already using the API, the existing API URLs and API tokens will continue to work.